The Course for obtaining the Master’s Degree in Law – called LMG/01 – is active at the Faculty from 2006-2007 A.Y., and is in line with equivalent academic programmes provided by the State university systems that are party to the “Bologna Process”.
The single-cycle curriculum is structured according to the statutory provisions in five years and consents the overall acquisition of 300 credits (CFU / ECTS).
At the end of the third year of the course, the student chooses a specialist course programme that characterizes his/her training in the last two years of the degree course through some compulsory and optional subjects relevant to the following fields: Legal Professions, Historian-Canonical, International Community and Human Rights.
The Degree Course is oriented towards the acquisition of full capacity for the banalysis and combination of legal norms, as well as the ability to formulate, in written and oral form, with the awareness of the technical- legal, cultural, social and practical implications of the lines of reasoning and adequate arguments for a correct setting of general and special legal questions. To this end, the attainment of levels of knowledge in the main areas of law is required, appropriate to the needs of the practice of traditional legal professions, and also in their evolution in consideration of the social implications.
Graduates will attain adequate levels of knowledge and higher legal training, an essential prerequisite for access to the legal professions.
The curriculum of the Degree Course for the purposes indicated:
On 21 September 2006, the Ministry of University and Scientific Research of the Italian Republic, in the implementation of Law no. 63 of 5 March 2004, established by decree that: The certificate of Master’s Degree in Law issued by the Faculty of Civil Law of the Pontifical Lateran University, with its Seat in the Vatican City State, is equivalent to the certificate of Master’s Degree in Law (LMG/01) issued by Italian universities.
Student Secretariat
Tel. +39 06 69895649/608
Dean: Prof. Enrico Mei
Dean Secretariat:
Sig.ra Elettra Pontecorvi
Tel.: +39 06 69895627
Fax. +39 06 69895509