

The Lateran University proposes the orientation activity, incoming and outgoing to accompany students in the choice of university studies and in the activity of placement.

Admission tests

Are you interested in the profession of lawyer, magistrate, notary, diplomat or, in general, the figure of the jurist? Would you like to deal with conflict management and building peace processes and projects? You can enroll in the entrance exams for the Master’s Degree Programme in Law (LMG/01) and for Peace Sciences (International Political Sciences L-37).

Discover the upcoming events

Days of preparation for Final exams

Days intended for final year high school students during which some teachers will discuss topics of interest for the preparation of the high school exam.


Future Orientation School

Days dedicated to fourth and fifth year students of high schools. Students will participate in moments of cultural and interdisciplinary study aimed at identifying the degree programme closest to their aptitudes and aspirations.


Open Day

Days through which the University give specific information about the individual degree courses and the training courses offered by the University through workshops, experiences and thematic lessons.


From 2020-2021 Academic Year the Orientation and Development Service of the Pontifical Lateran University proposes a University project for orientation and for PTSO – Programme for transversal skills and orientation (formerly School – work alternation). Through lectures, distance lessons and exercises, the project offers the possibility to develop interdisciplinary skills and then integrate them into one’s own study curricula. At the same time, it is proposed as an orientation opportunity in view of the choice of the future university course.


Come and visit the Pontifical Lateran University

If you want to take a guided tour of the University, the quality, and have the opportunity to learn about the educational offer, you can book an appointment. Send an email to orientamento@pul.va with the request and the number of participants in order to fix the day and time of your visit.