
CLAS – Higher Studies

Pontificia Università Lateranense > CLAS – Higher Studies

CLAS - Higher Studies

The Centro Lateranense Alti Studi (CLAS) is a branch of the Pontifical Lateran University in order to train students, researchers and professionals, through higher education and advanced learning, both in the perspective of a growing dialogue between knowledge and faith, and with reference to the thought and life of man in his cultural, social and economic contexts.

In this regard, CLAS provides highly specialized academic courses and interdisciplinary research, through international partnerships with renowned Institutions. It promotes, coordinates and encourages scientific research and professional specialization, offering extra-curricular courses. It is made up of three area studies: Communication, Law and Economics.

Furthermore, CLAS organizes language courses in Italian, English, French, Spanish, German, ancient Greek and Latin, in partnership with the main Institutes of Foreign Languages: Società Dante Alighieri; British Council; Institut français – Centre Saint-Louis; Instituto Cervantes; Goethe-Institut.

CLAS courses are available to professionals and both internal and external students from other universities, in italian language.

CLAS - Higher Studies

Prof. Raffaele Lomonaco
Tel. + 39 06 69895502

Dott. Simone Stancampiano
Tel. +39 06 69895607

Active Courses

Corso di Alta Formazione in Nuovi Orizzonti di Cooperazione e Diritto Internazionale

Corso di Alta formazione in Contrattazione pubblica della Santa Sede e dello Stato della Città del Vaticano

Corso Interuniversitario Educare alla Pace

Corso di Alta Formazione in Amministrazione Degli Enti Ecclesiastici E Religiosi: Aspetti Giuridici, Organizzativi, Gestionali E Terzo Settore