In the Faculty of Canon Law, the curriculum of studies is essentially characterized by these elements of specific novelty of the educational offer:
– the introductory two-year period (First Cycle) is organized through courses activated partly annually and partly on alternate years, with mainly tutorial-type modules from an educational point of view and with contents chosen according to scientific criteria and organically related to the theological preparation required for Christian jurists;
The educational offer of the Institute is carried out according to modern teaching methods adapted to the specific needs of the canonical sciences. Furthermore, in the semesters scansion there are some didactic tutorial systems for the preparation of the students for the general exams (preceding the Licentiate) and useful time for the preparation of the written papers required for the Degree exams.
The organization of studies for the attainment of Academic Degrees in Utroque Iure is organized into two Cycles: Five-year Licentiate Cycle; Doctorate cycle.
The Faculty of Canon Law plans the study programmes for the individual cycles in accordance with the provisions issued by the Congregation for Catholic Education with the Novo Codice Decree (2 September 2002) and which came into force starting from the 2003-2004 academic year.
The curriculum studiorum of the Licentiate in Utroque Iure, with particular reference to the canonical disciplines, is equally prepared in accordance with the same provisions in force.
The curriculum in Utroque Iure allows you to achieve the Academic Degrees of Licentiate (Second Cycle); Doctorate (Third Cycle).
In particular: in order to obtain the Doctorate in Utroque Iure, given the particular curriculum required, it is essential to have obtained the Licentiate in Utroque Iure.
Student Secretariat
Tel. +39 06 69895649/547/608
Dean: Prof. Paolo Gherri
Dean Secretariat:
Mrs Elettra Pontecorvi
Tel.: +39 06 69895627
Fax. +39 06 69895509
Reception Hours
Send an email to request an appointment to the Dean Secretariat