

In order to fulfil its mission, the Pontifical Lateran University has enthusiastically joined the trail undertaken by the Holy See by joining the Bologna Process, which, since 1999 has seen 47 countries united, together with various international organizations, to create a common space of Higher Education. 

This convergence effort represents a concrete opportunity to encourage greater attention to research, the quality of teaching, comparison and interchange development between academic institutions and a line approach capable of coordinating the diversity of higher education systems around common objectives.

Quality Assurance process

The unique character of our university is founded on the communion of a vision rooted in the Gospel: it constitutes the foundation of a call to the continuous pursuit of academic excellence, at the service of the Church and for the benefit of the society on a local scale, regional, national and international.

In order to fulfil this mission in the evolution of time, the Pontifical Lateran University, in its multi-century journey, has joined with participation in the evolution undertaken by the Holy See with its adhesion to the Bologna Process which took place on 19 September 2003 and which since 1999 has seen 47 countries united, together with various international organizations, to create a Common Area of ​​Higher Education.

This common effort of convergence represents a concrete opportunity to encourage comparison and growth of exchange with all those who, coming from other higher education systems, reach the coordination of the following common objectives:

  • the process of continuous quality promotion in each higher training institution;
  • the adoption of a system of academic degrees around the world, which is easy to read and compare, allowing the mutual recognition of qualifications;
  • the adoption of a three-cycle academic system and a new credit system, ECTS;
  • a greater impact capacity of European higher education;
  • the promotion of the social dimension of the Process;
  • the promotion of cooperation in quality control and the application of the criteria and guidelines proposed by ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education).

The process of quality takes into consideration all the initiatives that aim to “promoting and analysing research activities, teaching, services, evaluate the development of the University and plan the implementation strategies of its mission”. (Statute, art.24)

Welcoming this call with the natural inclusiveness that is typical of the universal Church, the Pontifical Lateran University has undertaken, since 2010, numerous initiatives following the indications and working closely with the Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of the Quality of Universities and Ecclesiastical Faculty of the Holy See, erected by the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI with a chirograph on September 19, 2007.

Quality Promotion Office


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