

General Secretariat

email: segreteria.generale@pul.va
tel. +39 06 698 95685


email: segreteria.rettorato@pul.va
tel. +39 06 698 86114

Contracts and Purchasing Office

email: ufficiocontrattieacquisti@pul.va
tel. +39 06 698 95603

Bursar Office

email: amministrazione@pul.va
tel. +39 06 698 95624


email: bibl-cons-prestito@pul.it
tel. +39 06 698 95609 /504

Office for the Promotion of Quality

email: quality@pul.va
tel. +39 06 698 95543

Student Secretariat

email: segreteria.studenti@pul.va
tel. +39 06 698 95554

Pro Rector Secretariat

tel. +39 06 698 95533

Theological-Philosophical Faculty Secretariat

email: segdecfilteol@pul.va
tel. +39 06 698 95 534

Law Faculty Secretariat

email: segreteria.presideutroque@pul.va
tel. +39 06 698 95 627

Associated Institutes

email: istituti_associati@pul.va
tel. +39 06 698 95533


email: scholarship@pul.it
tel. +39 06 698 95607

Institutional Communication and Events Service

email: comunicazione@pul.va/eventi@pul.va
tel. +39 06 698 95676/699

Lateran Publishing Service

email: promozionelup@pul.va
tel. +39 06 698 95660/688

Orientation and Development Service

email: orientamento@pul.va
tel. +39 06 698 95559

ICT Service

email: ict@pul.va
tel. +39 06 698 95665

General Services and Maintenance

email: servizi.generali@pul.va
tel. +39 06 698 95555


email: archivio@pul.va

CLAS Lateran Center for Higher Studies

email: clas@pul.va
tel. +39 06 698 95502

University Chaplaincy

email: cappellano@pul.va 
tel. +39 06 698 95692