
Licentiate in Theology

Pontificia Università Lateranense > Teologia > Licentiate in Theology
2 Anni, 2 Years
Educational qualification
Baccalaureato in Teologia, Bachelors in Theology
Credits to be earned
120 crediti, 120 credits
Prof. Riccardo Ferri, Prof. SCHÜTZ

In the implementation of art. 64.1 of the Statutes , the Faculty Council has established that the second Cycle, or Biennium of Specialization of the Faculty of Theology, is articulated in twoSpecializations:

  • Fundamental Theology to choose from  “Fundamental Theology “andInterfaith Theology
  • Dogmatic Theology to choose from “Christology, Trinitarian and Anthropology”;
    “Ecclesiology and Sacramentary” and “History”.

To be able to enroll or register as an ordinary student in the 1st year of the Specialization Cycle of the Faculty of Theology it is necessary to present original documentation certifying:

  • the attainment of the qualification (High School Diploma), which allows enrollment at the public university in one’s own country;
  • the attainment of the academic degree of Bachelors in Theology;
  • knowledge in Italian language.

Anyone who has completed institutional philosophical-theological studies in a Seminary or in a religious Student Residence and does not have a Bachelors in Theology can, until further notice, be admitted as an ordinary student to the two-year postgraduate course after having taken an exam on some subjects (concerning Sacred Scripture, Dogmatic Theology and Moral Theology) and having attended a special course on Methodology.

Theology Faculty

Student Secretariat

Tel. +39 06 69895636/547/675

Dean: Prof. Riccardo Ferri

Dean Secretariat:
Mr. Corrado Pozzi
Tel: + 39 06.698.95.534
Fax 06.698.95.510