European Society for Philosophy of Religion Conference 2024 (5-7 September 2024) will focus on the theme of “human nature” from the perspective of the philosophy of religion and theology. Although the notion of uman nature may be questioned from different perspectives and even rejected (for example, from the standpoint of evolutionary biology, cultural anthropology, and moral relativism), it plays a significant role in philosophical reflection. On the one hand, “human nature” has a descriptive meaning that consists of the set of physical, biological, and cognitive components distinguishing human beings from other living and non-living entities and making them unique. On the other hand, “human nature” has a prescriptive meaning, indicating the set of attitudes, abilities, and actions that make human beings rich in value and human life rich in meaning. In this sense, the notion of human nature still seems ethically relevant, especially today when technology can radically transform human beings. ESPR Conference 2024 invites papers exploring those issues within the following sub-themes:
– Sub-theme 1: Metaphysical and Epistemological Issues
– Sub-theme 2: Human Nature, Human Destiny, and Transhumanism
– Sub-theme 3: Human Nature and Religious Diversity
– Sub-theme 4: Ethical and Political Issues
Call for papers
Short papers (being presented in 20 minutes) are invited in either English, Italian, German, Spanish or French on the above topics.
Please send abstracts of not more than 300 words (with an English translation if in a different language)
to: by April 30, 2024, following the attached template. You will be
notified of the outcome by May 15, 2024.
Inquiries can be directed to:
Participation: Participants are encouraged to attend in person. Passive online presence in the main sessions will be possible. Online paper presentations will be restricted to a few parallel sessions, and some
will be reserved for extraordinary last-minute emergencies.
For more details and participation fees, please visit the Conference website, which will be updated within a short time:
– Conference website: